Elder Network Participates in GiveMN Give to the Max
GiveMN is on November 21st in 2024.
This special campaign started in 2009, and is still going strong through 2024!
Each year, thousands of donors from around the world support Minnesota organizations on GiveMN.org throughout the year and during Give to the Max, Minnesota’s holiday for generosity. Every nonprofit and school is invited to participate!
Elder Network registered our nonprofit and continues to raise support through the web platform throughout the year. Please consider your participation in the following ways:

How This Campaign Changes Lives
Ana’s Story
“Mom came to live with us in May of 2021. She had fallen in her apartment and then went into rehab at a nursing home in northern Minnesota.

Right from the start, we noticed changes in mom-most often withdrawal and just sitting in the doorway of her room watching the world outside her room. Due to the COVID-19 quarantine, there was no visiting allowed at first and then, only by appointment. This was difficult, as we live four hours away. We decided to bring mom home.
Both my husband and I are still working. Fortunately, he works three full days in the middle of the week and I can work at home two days per week. So, we set out to find in-home care for mom on the days we are both at work.
Seeing Elder Network on Facebook led me to Bonnie (Elder Network’s Wabasha County Program Coordinator). She quickly arranged a meeting for all of us and some of her staff. Between the two wonderful women Bonnie has on staff, Pam and Leslie, my husband and I are able to be away from home and know that mom is in good hands.
The caregivers are so kind and patient with her and keep her occupied throughout the day. Even if mom is having a slow day and not energetic, the staff will patiently sit with her and visit with her, letting her know she is not alone. We would be lost without our Elder Network staff as mom cannot be home alone and the days get so long without companionship.” Gloria shared this testimony, speaking about her mother, Ana.

Leslie, a Companion working with Elder Network, was able to come alongside of Ana to provide her with companionship, fun activities, and entertainment during the long work hours that Gloria had to work to support herself and her mother. Making muffins was a great way to brighten Ana’s day, and she enjoyed this time with Leslie, bringing her joy and the ability to do a fun activity that she can no longer do on her own.
Without community support from individuals such as yourself, the services that Gloria was receiving to help her mother, Ana, would have been a larger strain on their budget. Knowing that there is help for those facing dementia and caregiving, can provide the release of a larger burden from already overwhelmed caregivers. Gloria is so grateful to community members like you for your support, and to Elder Network for providing her with good, friendly and faithful Companions, Leslie and Pam. Gloria says, “I would recommend Elder Network to anyone who is finding themselves sharing their homes with an older relative and wanting to know they are safe and happy when you can’t be there 24/7”
(Client names changed for confidentiality).
These examples demonstrates how your donation can help
change lives and keep our community a great place.
Please stay updated with current events in this season of giving opportunities, through scrolling down and reviewing important event details on this page. Please donate and support the work that we do in the community to continue providing such services at low-cost or no-cost to individuals caring for and receiving care.
We always provide the opportunity to clients to donate on a voluntary contribution, but especially for the 50.7% of our clients who fall under 200% of the Federal Poverty Line, we would greatly appreciate your support. For those who cannot contribute financially to support our programming, we need the support of the community to continue improving the lives of seniors and their caregivers. Living on a fixed income makes the burden of paying for services heavy on seniors of all incomes, as the costs of living increase and their income remains the same.
We support those who typically fall through the cracks and go without the necessary supports they need to live safely-but only because your contributions make it possible to create a better reality for these seniors and caregivers. Your support helps these people to live thriving, rewarding lives! Please choose to help us continue to change lives and keep our community a great place to live, work, and play.
Follow and share more stories on Facebook
You can read stories of real people being impacted by isolation, chronic conditions, caregiver burnout, living with dementia, caring for those with dementia, the limiting effects of aging, and other challenges in their lives. They are thriving amidst these challenges, and this is only made possible through the support of those essential community members, such as yourself, who are providing them with the funding that they need to access services for affordable prices.

Here is How You Can Participate
GiveMN is on November 21st in 2024.
You can make a donation of any amount towards Elder Network’s services and programs to provide encouraging relief for caregivers and care receivers. You can contribute several different ways:
Elder Network seeks a variety of volunteers. Please see our Volunteer Page for current needs, volunteer application and forms.
Those 55 and better and their caregivers have the opportunity to thrive and lead rewarding lives.
Contact Elder Network for services the following counties.
Olmsted County
1130 ½ 7th St NW Ste #205,
Rochester, MN 55901
Phone: 507-285-5272
Fax: 507-285-0884
Wabasha County
PO Box 52
Lake City, MN 55041
Phone: 651-565-3237
Winona County
402 E 2nd St.
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507-452-0580