When Caregiving Ends (Virtual)
Join Rachel via Zoom to receive support as a caregiver who has lost their care receiver.
This group meets weekly, on Mondays, from 11am-12pm. Reach out to Holly to learn more. This group is meeting on an ongoing basis.
The caregiver support groups are a safe place to discuss and share whatever is going on in your life and the lives of those you love.
Please contact Holly at Elder Network by calling (507) 285-5272 or via email at hollyb@elder-network.org and let her know you will be attending. Through contacting Holly, you can receive the links for Zoom.
Those attending the in-person support group will be asked to wear a mask. Participants are asked to screen themselves with some health questions before each class, and to confirm their wellness. We will continue to follow social distancing guidelines for our inside space.