Your Donation Matters!
Please donate and support the work that we do in the community to continue providing services at low-cost or no-cost to individuals caring for and receiving care.
We always provide the opportunity to clients to donate on a voluntary contribution, but especially for the 50.7% of our clients who fall under 200% of the Federal Poverty Line, we would greatly appreciate your support. For those who cannot contribute financially to support our programming, we need the support of the community to continue improving the lives of seniors and their caregivers. Living on a fixed income makes the burden of paying for services heavy on seniors of all incomes, as the costs of living increase and their income remains the same.
We support those who typically fall through the cracks and go without the necessary supports they need to live safely-but only because your contributions make it possible to create a better reality for these seniors and caregivers. Your support helps these people to live thriving, rewarding lives! Please choose to help us continue to change lives and keep our community a great place to live, work, and play.

Thank you for supporting the mission of Elder Network!
Elder Network is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 41-1704390.
Donate online through GiveMN’s support services. This opportunity is open 24/7.
Please consider covering the processing fees as well, as this allows our agency to receive 100% of the full funding to utilize towards continuing to serve seniors and their caregivers in the community.
If you prefer to give over the phone, we can accommodate you, as well. Call 507-285-5272 today, if this is a more convenient option for you, and ask to speak with our Development Manager, Becca Herbstritt.
Our office is located at 1130 ½ 7th St. NW, Suite 205, Rochester, MN 55901
We are open Monday-Thursday from 9am-3pm and on Fridays from 9am-1pm (closed on weekends and federal holidays)
Feel free to schedule a meeting with Becca Herbstritt, our Development Manager, by calling 507-285-5272, or by emailing
Mail in your donation to us at:
Elder Network
1130 ½ 7th St. NW, Suite 205
Rochester, MN 55901

Additional Ways to Support Elder Network!
Monthly Giving
- If you would like to become a sustaining donor and give a set amount every month, reducing our administrative costs, please call us at 507-285-5272 to set that up. Becca, our Development Manager, can assist you with this process.
Local Giving Opportunities
- Elder Network Partners with Wabasha Kellogg Area Community Foundation
- This opportunity to support the community began on May 10th, 2022 and ran through July 31st, 2022. Similar dates are expected in 2023. This fundraising event is an annual, summer-long chance to help support nonprofit agencies in the Wabasha-Kellogg area. The priviledge to inspire and support others provides these agencies with continued, sustainable support. WKACF ensures that 100% of your contributions go directly to the agency of your choice.
- From lost revenues, staff shortages, and increased demand for services beyond what agencies are able to provide, this fundraising opportunity allows community members to give from home to empower agencies, such as Elder Network, to continue serving seniors and their caregivers in their home. At this hectic time in our country, it is important that we provide for our friends and neighbors who are struggling.
- You can make a donation of any amount towards Elder Network’s services and programs to provide encouraging relief for caregivers and care receivers. You can contribute several different ways:
- Donate online on the Wabasha Kellogg Area Community Foundation website, specifying in the special instructions that you would like your funds to be allocated to Elder Network through the 2023 Give Local opportunity.
- Fill out this form and either drop it off at a local Wabasha Kellogg area bank’s drop box, or mail it to WKACF, PO BOX 268, Wabasha, MN 55981.
- Volunteer – Read more about our volunteer opportunities.
Unique Giving Opportunities!

Thrivent Financial
Give to Elder Network with your Thrivent Choice dollars.

Donate to Elder Network through Walmart’s Spark Good Round Up Program.
Walmart recently launched Walmart Spark Good Round Up where customers can round up their purchases to the nearest dollar and donate the change to their favorite charity. We would love for you to choose us as your charity to receive these donations every time you shop online.
Thank you for considering Elder Network for Walmart Spark Good Round Up!

Donate to Elder Network through MyWalgreens Cash Rewards from March 1st-May 31st, 2023!
Support Elder Network through MyWalgreens. They donate 1% of eligible purchases at no cost to you!
Shop and allocate your Walgreens Cash rewards
You’ll earn unlimited 1% Walgreens Cash rewards when you shop and you can choose how much to donate.
Your preferred store location determines choice of local nonprofits.
Select Elder Network in Rochester, MN (you can also search by City, State, or Zip within the donation experience).
Sponsorship: Become an Elder Network Sponsor!
Please join us in making an impact in the community by supporting Elder Network with a cash or in-kind sponsorship.
- 11th Annual Fundraiser Gala – September 21, 2024 – Each year Elder Network celebrates and appreciate the work of our wonderful volunteers, staff, and community network with this event. We appreciate the opportunity to share an enjoyable evening with those who generously support the work that we do. The Fall Fling Gala hosts a night of food, fun, dance and a silent and live auction. There are a variety of ways to support this event:
- Contribute a donation to Elder Network’s Silent or Live auctions at the Fall Fling Gala.
- Donate baskets, contributions of $100 to create a basket through Elder Network volunteers on your behalf.
- Donate goods and services from your business.
- If you would like to contribute a higher value item, those items donated that are valued at $500 and above will be included in our live auction. Please reach out to Becca at 507-285-5272 or if you have a larger item to donate.
- Become a sponsor and be listed on the program.
- Call Becca today at 507-285-5272 if you are interested in providing your business/organization/agency an opportunity to visibly align with a deeply respected community organization.
Planned Giving
- Individualized Giving
- Share your passions with us and tell us how you want to make an impact in your community!
- Designate a gift to Elder Network in their trust or will.
- Recommended Language for and Testamentary Gifts and Bequests
“I wish to give (choose the appropriate language below)…”
“…(a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the estate)…”
“…(a specific number of shares of a specified security)…”
- Recommended Language for and Testamentary Gifts and Bequests
- If you are interested in learning more about how you can support the programs and services that Elder Network offers, please reach out to our Development Manager, Becca Herbstritt, or our Executive Director, Kathy Scheid.
- Becca: email
- Kathy: email
- Call: 507-285-5272
IRS Information for Donations
Elder Network is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 41-1704390.
IRS Form 990’s

Thank you for your support.
Those 55 and better and their caregivers have the opportunity to thrive and lead rewarding lives.
Contact Elder Network for services the following counties.
Olmsted County
1130 ½ 7th St NW Ste #205,
Rochester, MN 55901
Phone: 507-285-5272
Fax: 507-285-0884
Wabasha County
PO Box 52
Lake City, MN 55041
Phone: 651-565-3237
Winona County
402 E 2nd St.
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507-452-0580