Support Groups & Caregiver Support
Elder Network provides support groups for caregivers supporting a senior. Facilitated by trained staff and volunteers who are knowledgeable in the issues of memory loss and dementia.
Elder Network also hosts a mindfulness support group that provides participants the opportunity to practice group meditation, conversing on the benefits of this practice to their health and well-being.
Learn more about these below:

REACH (Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health)
Elder Network provides Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH) to caregivers. This program is a proven approach used by trained caregiver consultants to support family members and others who are caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. The goals are to teach caregivers how to reduce stress, solve problems, and manage difficult behaviors the person with memory loss may display; as well as to help caregivers feel confident in the care they provide and improve their ability to cope.
After the caregiver completes the REACH assessment, four core sessions are offered and tailored to what the caregiver most needs. The caregiver consultant holds the sessions in person (though alternative service options may be available) typically over 2-3 months.
The session fee is on a sliding scale. Please call Holly Brown at 507-285-5272 if you are interested in this service.
Caregiver Coaching (couples or one-on-one)
Goal-focused process of assisting individuals to improve personal and professional achievement through appointments with a Trained Caregiver Coach, arranged on a weekly or monthly basis. Clients work through this personalized and client-focused service to receive the following outcomes:
- Decreased depression and strain on the caregiver
- Help with increasing self-care
- Support so that caregivers no longer feel isolated and alone
- Reduced caregiver burden
- Reduced or delayed nursing home placement of the care receiver
- New solutions to current issues or problems
Overall goals of 1) Producing a stronger caregiver who is capable of self-directed care, and 2) The ability to help the caregiver continue to give care as long as they can and desire to.
Available in Olmsted, Wabasha, Winona, and also Dodge County.
Family Meetings
Support Groups
- Caregivers Support Group In-Person (Rochester)
- Caregivers Support Group In-Person (Lake City)
- Caregivers Support Group In-Person (Wabasha)
- Caregivers Support Group Virtual
- When Caregiving Ends Virtual
- Chronic Conditions In-Person (Rochester)
- Chronic Conditions Virtual
- Connections Cafe in Wabasha County (Wabasha)
- Memory Cafe in Olmsted County (Rochester)
- Lewy-Body Dementia Caregiver Support Group In-Person (Rochester)
- Community Member-Led
- Meets at Elder Network Rochester Office

What We Do
Those 55 and better and their caregivers have the opportunity to thrive and lead rewarding lives.
Contact Elder Network for services the following counties.
Olmsted County
1130 ½ 7th St NW Ste #205,
Rochester, MN 55901
Phone: 507-285-5272
Fax: 507-285-0884
Wabasha County
PO Box 52
Lake City, MN 55041
Phone: 651-565-3237
Winona County
402 E 2nd St.
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507-452-0580